GMB Union has responded to Minister Paul Scully’s comments on fire and rehire in Parliament today.
Paul Scully’s comments on fire and rehire in Parliament today.
Gary Smith, GMB General Secretary, said:
“Fire and rehire is a cruel, outdated, Dickensian working practice that should be consigned to the scrapheap of history.
"GMB's members in Valeo, York, face the cruel injustice of fire and rehire right now.
“We have campaigned for it to be made illegal for years; politicians of all stripes agree with us, as do three quarters of the public - even the Prime Minister has condemned it.
“While we will look at the detail when it comes, our members are firm that a slap on the wrist won’t be enough. But this looks like futile tinkering and the scourge of fire and rehire must be barred from the start.
“We urgently need clear legislation to outlaw this abhorrent tactic which, unless checked, will continue to wreck lives across the UK."