We must work together to safeguard incomes and protect people
GMB has welcomed a series of unprecedented measures to support workers unveiled by Chancellor Rishi Sunak today
The Chancellor announced a package of members in response to the coronavirus crisis, including plans for the Government to pay 80% of wages for employees not working, up to £2,500 a month,
Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary said:
“We’re not natural bedfellows with a Conservative Chancellor, but in a time of unprecedented national crisis it’s important we work together for the good of workers and the economy.
“This package of support will help. Securing jobs through government underwriting of wages is hugely welcome, and that’s what we've been calling for action on.
This package of support will help. Securing jobs through government underwriting of wages is hugely welcome, and that’s what we've been calling for action on.
Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary
“We will be pushing hard for all those employers that can afford it, to pay an extra 20% to secure the incomes of their employees.
“This gives businesses and workers enhanced security and will help us recover in the long term.
“There is still a lot to do, there are still sectors and issues we need to address - not least availability of protection equipment for frontline workers and protection for the self-employed - and we will continue to stay in close contact with Government as the situation develops.
"We’ll continue to fight for every worker to be supported in this crisis.”