Other sports should look at how the rugby league has welcomed union involvment
Changes to the rugby league fixtures calendar have been welcomed by the players’ union GMB.,
Garreth Carvell, Former Great Britain international and GMB Rugby League lead, has praised has the amendments for the 2024 season.
The UK's Rugby Football League, professional clubs and GMB Union have agreed key changes that will see a reduction in the overall number of games, better planning around peak matches throughout the season and a focus on international game.
Garreth Carvell, GMB Lead for Rugby League, said:
“The pandemic placed huge pressures on the very existence of rugby league and we have worked hard to overcome those pressures whilst still recognising the need to develop clubs and the sport itself.
“It’s vital that we all recognise and improve the way stakeholders influence key developments in the game by listening to the views of the players.
“I am delighted to say that their views - that quality should be the driver rather than quantity - have now been agreed.
“These new proposals are better for players, their safety, career longevity and the game itself.”
"The players' voice has been listened to."
Louise Foster-Wilson, GMB Organiser, said:
“Other sports in the UK should look at how the RFL have built their relationship with the players and welcomed the involvement and value that a trade union can bring to their consultation framework.
“Players have a seat at the table in Rugby League and a voice.”