This is a petty, vindictive move, plain and simple.
Stagecoach has blocked the families of striking workers from travelling during the industrial action in a ‘vindictive’ move, GMB union says.
Sunderland’s bus drivers are given a family pass, meaning their partners and children can travel for free as a perk of the job.
But the passes have been pulled during the walkout, leaving children unable to get to school and college and family members unable to get to work or the shops.
Almost 200 Stagecoach bus drivers in Sunderland are on strike this week after Stagecoach offered them a massive real terms pay cut of just 4 per cent, with 2 per cent to follow later in the year.
Stuart Gilhespy, GMB Organiser, said:
“This is a petty, vindictive move, plain and simple.
“These bus drivers are just trying to win themselves a decent wage, to help them make ends meet during the cost of living crisis.
“Instead of negotiating, Stagecoach is targeting parents and children in a bid to undermine the strike. It's outrageous."