A ‘hat trick’ of legal wins for Uber drivers
Uber drivers were given an early Christmas present as Court of Appeal upholds ruling that they should be classified as workers.
In October 2016, the Central London Employment Tribunal ruled in GMB's favour - determining that Uber drivers are not self-employed, but ARE workers entitled to workers’ rights including holiday pay, a guaranteed minimum wage and an entitlement to breaks.
Instead of accepting the judgement of the courts, Uber took their case to the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) last year, which ruled against the ride-sharing company.
The Court of Appeal judgement is Uber's third legal defeat on this issue in as many years.
We’re now at a hat trick of judgements against Uber, they keep appealing and keep losing. Uber should just accept the verdict and stop trying to find loopholes that deprive people of their hard won rights and hard earned pay.
This is the perfect early Christmas present for GMB's Uber members, but this case is about the wider ‘gig economy’ too. Employers are on notice that they can’t just run rough shod over working people to put more on the bottom line for shareholders.
Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary