Cadent Gas

Last update: 11 Oct 2024

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Cadent Gas Staff Bulletin - 2024 Pay Ballot Results - 11 October 2024

Posted on:



Dear member

The GMB pay ballot has now closed and the result is as follows:

Accept – 89%

Reject – 11%

We have informed the company of the ballot result and asked them to confirm when the new rates and back pay will be paid.

Thanks to all GMB members for taking part in the ballot and for supporting the pay rise campaign. Your collective voice makes all the difference.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, you can join online at

In Solidarity



Cadent Gas Field Force - Legacy & Cadent G - Pay Ballot Results - 30 September 2024

Posted on:


Cadent Field Force - Legacy & Cadent G Pay


Dear member

The Legacy & Cadent G field force pay ballots have now closed. The ballot papers have been counted and the results are as follows:

Cadent G Field Force

59.8% - Accept

40.2% - Reject

Legacy Field Force

83% - Accept

17% - Reject

There was a very good turnout, and we would like to thank all GMB members for taking part in the ballots and for completing the pay surveys many months ago, which formed the backbone of the pay claim. Your participation and views make all the difference when it comes to pay negotiations.

The pay talks went on for many months, the priority was to improve the terms and conditions for Cadent G. We could not achieve everything we wanted; these things take time, but important progress has been made.

It will not be long before we are putting out pay surveys and starting next year’s pay negotiations.

We have informed the company of the results and asked them to confirm when the back pay will be paid. We will be discussing with Cadent dates for the implementation of the shorter working week for Cadent G employees.

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

GMB Cadent Bulletin - Field Force Final Pay Offer 2024 - Details - 16 August 2024

Posted on:

Dear member

Please see below a link to the GMB Bulletin - Cadent Gas - Field Force Final Pay Offer 2024 Details - dated 16th August 2024, in which we want to provide more detail on the final pay offer and how we got to this point.

Pay negotiations started back in January and the first offer was 2.5%, but other than in increasing sick pay entitlement, no improvement was forthcoming on reducing working hours or shift payments. Cadent wouldn’t entertain the same headline increase for Legacy and Cadent G, and improvements in terms and conditions as this would cost them more than 10%.

We have prioritised improving Cadent G terms & conditions. The offer negotiated gives Cadent G a 6% increase in the hourly rate for working 40 hours per week instead of 42 hours per week. It also aligns the 20 minutes before and after the shift, which works well for Legacy workers over many years. Additional hours above 40 hours will be paid at the new higher rates of pay.





Posted on:

Dear member,

Steady progress has been made in pay negotiations. The company has made a final offer which we discussed at a GMB national AOF meeting. We believe that significant improvements have been made to Cadent G terms and conditions, which was our aim. The pay offer for legacy field force has improved and is above the headline rate of inflation. The upward equalisation of standby payments for Energy Ops is important step forward. A summary of the final pay offer is as follows:

Cadent G Field Force

  1. A reduction in the working week from 42 hours to 40 hours without loss of pay. This increases Cadent G hourly rates by 5%. If agreed, this will be implemented at the earliest opportunity allowing for the necessary changes to rota’s.
  2. A further 1% increase in basic rates and allowances from 1st July 2024.
  3. Standby rates to increase by 4.5%.
  4. The onerous hours window extended to include all hours between 08:00 Saturday to 08:00 Monday and Public Holidays and paid at 1:33 for rostered hours worked, 1:58 for additional hours.
  5. Improvement to sick pay entitlements and new sick absence policy to be agreed and effective on or before 1st November 2024.

Legacy Field Force

  1. A 4.5% increase in basic rates and allowances from 1st July 2024.
  2. Standby rates to increase by 4.5%.

Energy Ops

  • The upward equalisation of standby rates to match Emergency & Repair. This is an increase of up to 44% in the standby rate for Legacy & Cadent G Energy Ops employees.

Connections / TUPE Employee

  • A 4.5% increase in basic rates from 1st July 2024.

A lot of progress has been made since the negotiations started. We will be holding depot briefings to go through the details of the offer. We will then ballot members and GMB will be recommending acceptance of the Cadent G & Legacy pay offers.

In Solidarity



Cadent Gas Bulletin - 3 July 2024 - Pay Claim 2024 Update

Posted on:

Dear member

Further pay talks with the company took place Tuesday, 2nd July 2024. The discussions have been constructive, and progress is being made.

We are edging closer towards being able to bring back an offer to members, which importantly includes improvements to Cadent G terms and conditions.

Although negotiations have gone past the pay anniversary, we are hopeful that we are not far off being able to give you full details of an offer.

If you are not currently a member of GMB you can join online at

In solidarity,



Cadent Gas Staff - Pay Claim Update - 29 April 2024

Posted on:


Dear member

We have met with the company on several occasions and GMB negotiating team rejected the company's 3.5% pay offer and we are seeking a revised offer and improvements to Cadent Staff terms and conditions.

We are now in the process of setting up further talks with Cadent and will keep you informed of developments.

If you are not yet a member of GMB union and want a say on your pay, you can join online at or complete the form overleaf and return it to your GMB workplace rep.

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Cadent Field Force - Legacy & Cadent G Pay Claim Update - 19 April 2024

Posted on:


Cadent Field Force - Legacy & Cadent G Pay Claim Update

Dear member

We have met with the company on several occasions and held a National AOF on Monday 16th April 2024.

The GMB DOF reps and Cadent G national reps rejected the company's 3.5% offer during negotiations and National AOF have given the GMB negotiating team a mandate to seek an improved offer and improvements to Cadent G terms and conditions.

We are now in the process of setting up further talks with Cadent and will keep you informed of developments.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union and you want a say on your pay, then you can join GMB online at .

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer


Cadent Gas - Field Force & Contract G - 2024 Field Force Pay Talks Update - 13 February 2024

Posted on:


2024 Field Force Pay Talks Update

Dear member

We have had two meetings with the company to discuss the Field Force Legacy and Cadent G pay claims. The anniversary date is not until 1st July, but it is good to get the talks going early.

The negotiations have covered all elements of the claims’ pay and conditions and have been conducted professionally and positively. We do not have anything concrete to bring back to the members yet. Discussions are at an early stage, but we hope we can make progress on the headline pay rise and Cadent G terms and conditions.

The next meeting is scheduled for 21st March, and we will keep you informed of any developments.

If you are not yet a GMB member, and you want a say on your pay, you can join online at

The more people in GMB, the more influence we have on pay and conditions.

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Cadent Gas Staff -Bulletin - 23 Jan 2024 - London IPO/CMO Restructure

Posted on:

Cadent Gas - London IPO / CMO Restructure

Dear member

GMB was given less than 24 hours' notice of a meeting where the company launched the thirty-day consultation on a new structure for London Networks.

At the outset GMB reps complained about the lack of notice provided. Cadent has been planning this for some time and it is unacceptable that so little notice was given for such an important matter.

The company went through the slides, but more information and detail is required. And this is the initial feedback we have received from members. GMB members have lots of questions and at present there are not enough answers.

More meetings have been set up and we will be putting your questions to Cadent and pushing for the answers and get them to change the proposals.

Any questions and views, please speak to your GMB workplace rep, and if you are not yet a member of GMB union, you can join at

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Cadent Field Force and Staff - Defined Benefit Pensions Scheme Update - 7 Dec 2023

Posted on:


For the attention of Cadent Legacy and Staff members only (not Contract G)

Dear member

When Cadent announced the decision to go ahead with their proposal to close the defined benefit pension scheme to future accrual, they said they were going to do this by getting scheme members to sign an opt out. The company had not raised this during the consultation period.

We wrote to the company and Cadent clarified that they were seeking a contractual change, where scheme members would get the transitional payment and arrangements if members agreed to a contractual change that would end future accrual into the pension scheme.

Following legal advice GMB wrote to the company asking why Cadent are seeking to close the scheme to future accrual by contractual means, rather than by amending the scheme rules. And whether this relates to case law and provisos that might prevent closure to future accrual without the approval of two thirds of the affected members by referendum.

In their response, Cadent says the contractual method is a legal route to implement the change to the pension scheme. It commits Cadent to provide transition arrangements, and makes sure employees are enrolled into MyPension.

Cadent said in their response that they are committed to ceasing the future build-up of benefits in the pension scheme and it Is not an option for individuals to remain in the scheme for future build up. They have not specified how they would do this.

In solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Cadent Gas Field Force & Staff - Defined Benefit Pension Scheme - Opt Out! - 8 November 2023

Posted on:



Dear member

The central question that arose from the pensions meeting for GMB members on 7th November is this,

Why is Cadent asking us to opt out of the pensions scheme?

Asking scheme members to opt out did not come up during the consultation period, and GMB members are rightly concerned about what this means and what the implications might be.

GMB has written to Cadent and asked for urgent answers.

We have also asked them to directly communicate to scheme members and explain what is going on. We believe scheme members have the right to know.

We will keep you informed of developments. If you have any queries, please contact your local GMB workplace representative.

In Solidarity




Posted on:

Dear member

If you are a member of the defined benefit pension scheme you will have received a notification on 3rd August that Cadent are entering into formal consultation with a proposal to close the pension scheme to future accrual.

As we are in the school holidays and many employees and trade union reps will be on annual leave, we asked the company to postpone the consultation. There is also plenty of time from September onwards for Cadent to conduct the consultation. Unfortunately, Cadent have chosen to go ahead.

From the outset of the so-called review, Cadent’s intention has been to close the pension scheme to future accrual. GMB has put forward alternatives which are both affordable and would retain a very good defined benefit pension scheme. These were rejected from the outset by Cadent.

The defined benefit pension scheme is a well-managed fully funded scheme which is in surplus. Cadent made £950 million profit last year and paid its shareholders £350 million in dividends. Cadent can afford to continue contributing to the pension scheme.

This is purely a money grab, and an attack on the terms and conditions of long serving employees who deserve a good pension in retirement.

We have asked Cadent to put more money in the Defined Contribution Scheme, which they can afford to do. This has been rejected, and Cadent employees will rightly ask whether this scheme will come under attack next. Cadent says it has no plans to do so, but they committed to funding the defined benefit scheme when they bought the business.

In the review meetings, Cadent put transitional payments on the table. These sums are significantly lower than paid by NGN and WWU and Cadent should increase these amounts if it’s determined to close the defined benefit scheme to future accrual.

The defined benefit scheme is fully funded and in surplus. Cadent can afford to keep the scheme open and should do the right thing by its employees and maintain the pension scheme.

Please make sure you have your say during the consultation period. The closure needs to be fought.

A joint Trade Union bulletin has also been sent out on the same issue. To read the joint trade union bulletin please click the link below:

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer


Posted on:

Click below to view the Joint Trade Union bulletin for Cadent Gas Staff


Posted on:

Dear Member

This is a communication to all GMB union members that we are sending it in advance of a likely move by Cadent Gas to begin a formal 60-day consultation with those workers in the Defined Benefit Pension Scheme, announcing its proposed closure.

We have asked the company to delay beginning the formal 60-day consultation, as this will coincide with the key holiday period for many and we have also been told that not all the information we believe is essential to inform the consultation, will be ready. While we have clearly requested a delay, we have not received assurances that this request will be adhered to which is concerning.

No rational justification has been given for closing the Defined Benefit Pension Scheme. The total costs of providing this pension are c£7 million and they are reducing and will continue to do so. At the same time Cadent is making some £950 million in profits and paying some £350 million in dividends to its owners, who were fully aware of the group of workers participating in the Defined Benefit Pension Scheme when they purchased Cadent.

While we hope that the company will delay the start of the consultation (which itself would be a positive move), if they do not, please be assured that we will continue to engage with the business and the members on these proposed changes. We will be surveying members, considering all our options, and submitting a full response to the business. We will also be encouraging all workers to respond to the consultation regardless of the pension they receive, as we cannot be sure that the next target of Cadent Greed will not be the DC Scheme which most workers belong too.

In recognition of this fact, we have also asked (during this pensions review) that the business improves further the DC scheme and to ensure any savings the company makes from scheme closure is recycled into workers’ pensions and not more payouts to Macquarie and Co. We believe this would be fair and just, based on the huge commitment and dedication workers at Cadent demonstrate every day!




Posted on:

Dear member

here have been two meetings with Cadent since the company announced they were going to review the Defined Benefit (DB) Pension Scheme.

Further meetings are scheduled for 6th & 7th July.

From the discussions we have had with Cadent, the DB pension scheme is fully funded and in surplus. Cadent Gas is a very profitable company, making hundreds of millions of pounds profit and can afford the employers pension contributions.

There is no regulatory requirement to close the pension scheme, OFGEM have said that pay, conditions and pensions, are factored into the regulatory settlements that Cadent and the other GDN’s receive.

Investment in new technologies, upskilling and customer delivery, should come from profits and shareholders not from employee’s pensions.

The review is not about fairness, as stated by the business they are not looking to increase the benefits in the Defined Contribution (DC) Scheme.

Cadent is only looking to stop future accrual in the DB pension scheme. So essentially, this is a cost saving exercise that will only benefit the profits of Cadent and its shareholders not its employees.

The GMB is opposed to the closure of the DB pension scheme to future accrual and wants to see better pension provision for all employees at Cadent Gas.




Posted on:

Dear Members
If you are a member of the defined benefit (DB) pension scheme you will have received an email from Cadent. In this correspondence Cadent says it is going to conduct a formal review of future build up of benefits in the scheme. GMB will actively oppose the closure of future build-up of service and benefits. Cadent is a very profitable company and should honour its pension commitments to its employees in the scheme. There are other companies in the sector, including National Grid & National Gas Transmission which provide DB pension schemes.

In the email the company says it wants to reduce the significant difference in pension scheme provision for Cadent employees. We believe this should be done by levelling up pension benefits, not levelling down. Two tier pay and conditions hasn’t worked in Cadent and stopping pensions benefits won’t do anything to stem the recruitment and retention issues faced across the company.

The next pensions meeting with the company is on 6th June 2023, and we will keep you informed of developments. Please can you let your GMB workplace rep know whether you’re a member of the DB pension scheme.

If you’re not yet a member of GMB union, you can join online JOIN GMB

In Solidarity



Cadent Gas – Pay & Inflation Update Bulletin – April 2023

Posted on:

Dear members

The latest inflation rates for March 2023 were announced on 19th April 2023 and are set out below. We’ve updated the RPI average chart to show the average over the full 12 months. The headline RPI, CPI, and CPIH inflation rates all fell slightly in March.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reports that average pay growth is running at 6.9% in the private sector and 5.3% in the public sector.

The Cadent G, Legacy field force & Staff pay agreements for July 2023 are that pay & allowances will increase by the average rate of RPI inflation (retail prices index) from April 2022 to March 2023.

Inflation Rates for February 2023 (announced on 22nd March 2023)

RPI 13.50%

CPI 10.10%

CPIH 8.90%

RPI Inflation – April to March 2023

April 11.10%

May 11.70%

June 11.80%

July 12.30%

August 12.30%

September 12.60%

October 14.20%

November 14.00%

December 13.40%

January 2023 13.40%

February 13.80%

March 13.50%

12-month average = 12.84%

The percentage pay increase for Legacy Field Force, Cadent G & Staff within the collective bargaining agreements is 12.84% payable from 1st July 2023.

If you’re not yet a GMB member you can join online at or fill in the form overleaf and give it to your GMB workplace rep. WE’RE STRONGER TOGETHER

In Solidarity



CADENT FIELD FORCE & STAFF Cadent Gas – Pay & Inflation Update Bulletin

Posted on:

Dear members

The latest inflation rates for January 2023 were announced on 15th February 2023 and are set out below. We have updated the RPI average chart to show the average over the last ten months. The headline CPI & CPIH inflation rates fell, but the RPI rate remained the same.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) also released the latest data for regular pay growth, which was 7.2% in private sector and 3.3% for the public sector.

The Cadent G, Legacy field force & Staff pay agreements for July 2023 are that pay & allowances will increase by the average rate of RPI inflation (retail prices index) from April 2022 to March 2023.

Inflation Rates for January 2023 (announced on 15th February 2023):

RPI 13.4%

CPI 10.1%

CPIH 8.8%

RPI Inflation – April to January 2023

April 11.10%

May 11.70%

June 11.80%

July 12.30%

August 12.30%

September 12.60%

October 14.20%

November 14.00%

December 13.40%

January 2023 13.40%

10-month average = 12.68%

The inflation rates for February 2023 will be released by Office for National Statistics on 22nd March 2023, and we will keep you updated on the running average.

If you’re not yet a GMB member you can join online at


In Solidarity



Cadent Gas – Pay & Inflation Update Bulletin

Posted on:

Dear members

The latest inflation rates for December 2022 were announced on 18th January 2023 and are set out below. We’ve updated the RPI average chart to show the average over the last nine months.

The Cadent G, Legacy & Staff pay agreements for July 2023 are that pay & allowances will increase by the average rate of RPI inflation (retail prices index) from April 2022 to March 2023.

Inflation Rates for December 2022 (announced on 18th January 2023)

RPI 13.4%

CPI 10.5%

CPIH 9.3%

RPI Inflation – April to December 2022

April 11.10%

May 11.70%

June 11.80%

July 12.30%

August 12.30%

September 12.60%

October 14.20%

November 14.00%

December 13.40%

9-month average = 12.60%

The inflation rates for January 2023 will be released by Office for National Statistics on 15th February 2023, and we will keep you updated on the running average.

If you are not yet a GMB member you can join online at or fill in the form overleaf and give it to your GMB workplace rep.


In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Previous Bulletin

GMB Cadent Bulletin - Final Pay Offer 2024 Details - 16 August 2024

Posted on:

Dear member

Please see below a link to the GMB bulletin - Field Force Final Pay Offer 2024, in which we want to provide more detail on the final pay offer and how we got to this point.

Pay negotiations started back in January and the first offer was 2.5%, but other than in increasing sick pay entitlement, no improvement was forthcoming on reducing working hours or shift payments. Cadent wouldn’t entertain the same headline increase for Legacy and Cadent G, and improvements in terms and conditions as this would cost them more than 10%.

We have prioritised improving Cadent G terms & conditions. The offer negotiated gives Cadent G a 6% increase in the hourly rate for working 40 hours per week instead of 42 hours per week. It also aligns the 20 minutes before and after the shift, which works well for Legacy workers over many years. Additional hours above 40 hours will be paid at the new higher rates of pay.


Posted on:

Dear Member

The GMB Cadent Staff pay ballot has closed, and the result is as follows:

Accept - 93%

Reject - 7%

Thank you to all GMB members for taking part in the ballot. It is a positive result and an RPI average increase is up there with the best in the sector. The latest inflation rates were announced in mid-December and the current 8-month average is 12.50%.

Inflation Rates announced on 14th December

RPI 14%

CPI 10.7%

CPIH 9.3%

RPI Inflation – April to November 2022

April 11.10%

May 11.70%

June 11.80%

July 12.30%

August 12.30%

September 12.60%

October 14.20%

November 14.00%

8-month average = 12.50%

We have communicated the result to Cadent and we will keep you updated in the current RPI inflation rates.

If you are not yet a GMB member, you can join online at or complete the form overleaf and return to your GMB workplace rep

In solidarity




Posted on:

Dear members
The latest inflation rates were announced on 14th December 22 and are set out below. We have updated the RPI average chart to show the average over eight months. The Cadent G & Legacy pay agreement for July 2023 is that pay & allowances will increase by the average rate of RPI inflation (retail prices index) from April 2022 to March 2023.

Inflation Rates announced on 14th December
RPI 14%
CPI 10.7%
CPIH 9.3%
RPI Inflation – April to November 2022
April 11.10%
May 11.70%
June 11.80%
July 12.30%
August 12.30%
September 12.60%
October 14.20%
November 14.00%
8-month average = 12.50%

The inflation rates are released around the middle of each month, and we will keep you updated on the running average.
If you are not yet a GMB member you can join online at or fill in the form overleaf and give it to your GMB workplace rep.

In Solidarity
Gary Carter
National Officer

CADENT STAFF Pay Offer 2023-24

Posted on:

Dear Members

Pay negotiations have taken place with Cadent and a full and final offer has been tabled which GMB is recommending to members. The Company offer is a one-year deal covering the period 1July 2023 to 30 June 2024:

  • A consolidated increase to base pay from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, at a percentage equal to the average of RPI for the 12 months up to and including 31 March 2023. In any case, the increase would be 7.5% minimum.
  • The base pay increases are to flow through to all allowances as per Terms & Conditions (as appropriate).

This offer is in line with the Field Force pay deal negotiated by GMB.

The average rate of RPI inflation over the past seven months from April to October 2022 is 12.28%. The 7.5% minimum guarantee is there in case inflation suddenly drops, though Bank of England predictions are that inflation will remain high during the 12-month reference period.

RPI Inflation – April to October 2022















7-month average = 12.28%

GMB believes linking the 2023 pay rise to RPI inflation is significant and we are recommending acceptance of the full and final pay offer.

In solidarity



Cadent G – Annualised Hours Ballot Result

Posted on:

Dear Member

The GMB Cadent G annualised hours ballot has closed, and the result is as follows:

Accept - 79%

Reject - 21%

Thank you to all GMB members for taking part in the ballot. It is a positive result and a step forward in achieving better terms and conditions for Cadent G members.

A reminder of the headline changes

  • Removal of annualised hours and change to average 42-hour week across the year.
  • Removal of flex up/down and change to additional hours paid in lieu monthly
  • Change to annual leave process from days to hours (277.2 hours equivalent to 33 days)
  • Change to annual leave year from Jul-Jun to birth month,
  • 42 hours leave carry over (equivalent to 5 days).

We have communicated the result to Cadent and we will work with the company to get the changes implemented.

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Cadent G Annualised Hours

Posted on:

Dear Member

The GMB has started talks with Cadent over the removal of annualised hours as agreed as part of the pay deal. The consultation will last a minimum of 45 days from the 28th June 2022.

GMB Reps welcome your opinions and will work in your best interests throughout the process. We will keep you regularly informed as talks develop.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, you can join online

In solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer


Posted on:


Dear Member

This is to let all GMB field force members know that we have served notice on Cadent that we are calling strike action days on Monday 30th & Tuesday 31st May 2022.

This is part of the GMB Union campaign for better pay and conditions for Cadent field force employees.

GMB members voted overwhelmingly for industrial action and we are calling on all GMB field force members to take part in the strike days.

It is time for Cadent to wake up to the cost-of-living crisis. Offering a miserly 6% over two years, when inflation is expected to top 10% this year, shows how out of step Cadent are.

Cadent made £900 million profit last year and they can afford to pay their field force more.

Join the strike action, GMB field force members deserve better pay.

If you are not yet a GMB member and want to take part in the strike action, you can join online

More information to follow on the strike days.





Posted on:

Dear Member

GMB Union is calling on GMB field force members to take part in an overtime ban from 00:01 on Tuesday, 10th May 2022.

We are doing this as part of the GMB campaign for better pay and conditions and because GMB members voted overwhelming for industrial action.

The overtime ban is intended to be short term and we will escalate the industrial action from an overtime ban to strike action if the company does not come back to the table with an improved pay offer.

What does an Overtime Ban mean?

  • We call on all GMB field force members to stop working additional hours.
  • We expect all our members to withdraw from pre-planned overtime, which will include pre-arranged shift patterns where overtime payments are claimed. This will be reviewed on a fortnightly basis.
  • Shift swaps that do not attract overtime payments can continue.
  • Holiday cover for a colleague can continue.
  • To preserve Life and Property, participation on current standby Rotas should continue.
  • We strongly advise all members to make safe and secure gas escapes before leaving a job, if this takes you beyond your contractual hours it will be deemed acceptable within the current arrangements surrounding industrial action.

This has been agreed by GMB national AOF. Unsure about anything, please speak to your local GMB workplace rep.

There is a cost-of-living crisis and Cadent can pay its field force more. Let’s show them how strong GMB members feel. Back the Action, Back the Overtime Ban.

If you are not yet a GMB Union member, you can join online at or complete the form overleaf and return it to your GMB workplace rep.



Noticeboard Bulletin - 12-04-2022

Posted on:

Dear member

We would like to thank GMB members for taking part in the industrial action ballot and returning an overwhelming vote for strike action and action short of strike.

The vote shows the strength of feeling amongst GMB field force members, and Cadent should now respond to this positively and come back to the negotiating table with an improved pay offer.

We’re currently talking to GMB reps about plans for industrial action and we’ll keep members fully informed. We are legally required to give Cadent fourteen days’ notice of industrial action. The industrial action has to take place during the next six months, so look out for updates.

If you’re not yet a member of GMB Union, and want to join the GMB campaign for better pay and conditions, you can join online


In solidrity



Noticeboard Bulletin - 08-04-2022

Posted on:

Dear Member

Question 1: Are you prepared to take part in strike action?

Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot - 1,940

Number of votes cast in the ballot - 1,263

Number of ‘Yes’ Votes - 1,095 (86.9%)

Number of ‘No’ Votes - 165 (13.1%)

Number of spoilt or otherwise invalid voting papers returned - 3

Votes cast in the ballot as a % of individuals who were entitled to vote - 65.1%

Question 2: Are you prepared to take part in industrial action short of a strike?

Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot - 1,940

Number of votes cast in the ballot - 1,263

Number of ‘Yes’ Votes - 1,124 (90.6%)

Number of ‘No’ Votes - 116 ( 9.4%)

Number of spoilt or otherwise invalid voting papers returned - 23

Votes cast in the ballot as a % of individuals who were entitled to vote - 65.1%

In solidrity




Posted on:


Dear Member

In mid-March inflation hit a thirty-year high and Friday, 1st April 2022, dubbed Bleak Friday because energy prices rise by 54% and people face increases in council tax, social housing rents, vehicle excise duty, water bills, broadband, phones, and TV costs.

The Cadent pay offer will not cover the rise in prices and Cadent employees are going to be worse off.

Cadent made £900 million profit last year, and they can help their employees through the cost-of-living crisis by increasing the pay offer.

A two year pay deal worth 6%, when inflation is running at 8% and is predicted to hit double figures isn’t enough. GMB members deserve better.


Vote Yes for Strike Action, Vote Yes for Action Short of Strike.

If you haven’t received a ballot paper, please see your GMB workplace Rep and they will arrange for a duplicate ballot paper to be sent out.

If you are not a GMB member and want to join the GMB campaign for better Pay & Conditions, you can join online.





Posted on:

Dear Member

We have served notice on Cadent and you will be sent your Industrial action ballot paper in the post from Friday 25th March. We are holding one ballot covering Legacy and Cadent G Field Force GMB members.

You will have two weeks to post your ballot paper back to Civica in pre-paid envelope provided. The ballot will close at 12 noon on Friday 8th April 2022.

Make Sure You Vote

There will be two questions on the ballot paper, and your GMB Union is asking you to vote YES for Strike Action and YES for action short of strike action (overtime ban).

GMB members voted resoundingly to reject a two year pay offer worth 6%. The first-year offer was worse than the previous offer, which GMB members rejected, and year-two was below inflation.

There is a cost-of-living crisis in the country and Cadent which made a £900 million profit last year can afford a better pay rise for its employees.

Vote YES for Strike Action. Vote YES for Action Short of Strike Action.

If you do not receive a ballot paper to your home address in the first few days of the ballot period, please contact your GMB workplace rep and we will arrange for CIVICA to send you a duplicate ballot.

When your ballot paper drops through the door, don’t stick it on the fridge or mantel piece, Make Sure You Vote.

If you are not yet a GMB member and want to be involved in the GMB campaign for better pay and conditions, you can join online or complete the form overleaf





Posted on:


Dear Member

GMB Cadent Field Force Legacy and Cadent G members resoundingly rejected Cadent’s final pay offer. We will keep the door open for further negotiations with Cadent and it would be best if we got to a negotiated settlement. However, GMB will now start the industrial action process. Unfortunately, this takes time because of the legislation governing industrial action ballots.

Firstly, GMB is required to serve 7 days’ notice that we intend to ballot. We must provide detailed information in the notice letter, which includes depots and job titles for those members paying by direct debit. This information does not include the names of members. We do not give employers this information.

The ballot itself will be a confidential postal ballot, carried out by the independent organisation, CIVICA. This is a postal, not workplace ballot, so it’s very important the GMB has your up-to-date postal address. If you have recently moved, please let your GMB workplace rep have your new address. If you do not receive a ballot paper to your home address in the first few days of the ballot period, please contact your GMB workplace rep and we will arrange with CIVICA for a duplicate ballot to be sent to you.

It is important that you vote in the industrial action ballot. We want all members to have their say and the legislation requires us to have a turnout of at least 50% before industrial action can be taken. As well as the 50% turnout threshold, a majority of GMB members must vote in favour of taking industrial action. So, we will be asking members to “Make Sure You Vote, and to Vote YES in support of industrial action”.

There will be two questions on the ballot paper. Firstly, are you prepared to take Strike Action, and secondly whether you are prepared to take part in Action Short of a Strike. For example, this could mean an overtime ban.

GMB will be asking you to Vote YES for both Strike Action and Action Short of a Strike.

Cadent might decide to send you communications through the balloting period and seek to persuade you to vote no and that industrial action is pointless, that it won’t achieve anything and Cadent doesn’t have the money to increase the offer. GMB believes otherwise.

Throughout the pay negotiations GMB has kept members up to date and we have given members the facts and information. We have balloted members on the pay offers and these have been resoundingly rejected by GMB field force members.

Cadent is a very profitable company, which can afford to increase the pay offer and improve Cadent G terms and conditions.

When your ballot paper drops through the door, do not stick it on the fridge or mantelpiece, Make Sure You Vote, and Vote YES for Strike Action.



Cadent Legacy - Two Year Pay Offer Ballot Result

Posted on:

Dear member

The Cadent Legacy Field Force pay ballot has closed, and the result is as follows:

24% Accept

76% Reject

We will inform the company of the result and explain the reasons why GMB Legacy Field Force members have rejected the pay offer. We hope the company will acknowledge the strength of feeling amongst Cadent Legacy Field Force employees and come back to the negotiating table with an offer which will be acceptable to GMB members.




Posted on:

Dear member

The Cadent G pay ballot has closed, and the result is as follows:

35% - Accept

65% - Reject

We will inform the company of the result and explain the reasons why GMB Cadent G members have rejected the pay offer. We hope the company will acknowledge the strength of feeling amongst Cadent G employees and come back to the negotiating table with an offer which will be acceptable to GMB members.




Posted on:


Dear member

The Cadent Staff pay ballot has closed and the result is as follows

57% Accept

43% Reject

We have informed the company of the result and they have confirmed that they will pay the back pay in the March payroll.

We would like to thank GMB members for taking part in the GMB pay campaign and ballots. It is important that members have their say on pay, and it has made a real difference. It got Cadent to move and improve the pay offer.




Posted on:

Dear Member

GMB will be carrying out workplace pay ballots for Legacy Field Force and Cadent G members. Cadent Staff members will receive a link for the electronic ballot or a postal ballot.

Please make sure you use your vote and have your say on pay.

The ballot timetable and closing dates are as follows

• Cadent Staff – the ballot is open and will close at 12 Noon on Friday, 18th February 2022

• Cadent G – the ballot will start on Monday, 21st February and close on Friday, 25th February 2022

• Legacy Field Force – the ballot will start on Monday, 28th February and close on Friday 4th March 2022

Noticeboard Bulletin - 17-01-2022

Posted on:

Dear Member

GMB representatives met with the company twice last week to discuss the 2021 pay dispute.

Cadent senior management stated they wanted to make progress and had listened to the reasons why GMB members had rejected the previous pay offer. Cadent has given an undertaking to come back to us with proposals early this week, and this will include proposals on Cadent G terms and conditions and a two year pay deal. Further meetings will then take place later this week with a deadline set for 26th January 2022.

We will keep you informed of any developments, and whether or not progress has been made to resolve the dispute.




Posted on:

Dear member

Before Christmas you will have received a communication from Cadent saying they will be paying employees £750 in January and arranging a meeting with GMB to discuss options going forward. The GMB is glad that Cadent is paying the £750 to employees and we hope that Cadent recognises the strength of feeling amongst the workforce, so we can reach a satisfactory resolution to the 2021 pay claims.

GMB members across Cadent rejected the company’s final offer, so GMB has written to the company to inform them that we are in dispute.

It is our intention to ballot Legacy field force, Cadent G and Staff members for industrial action. This process takes a bit of time as the union must comply with legal requirements and the ballots are required to be postal and carried out by an independent organisation.

We will keep you informed of developments and the balloting process.


Posted on:

Dear member

We have received revised pay offers from Cadent across the three bargaining groups, Legacy Field Force, Cadent G Field Force and Cadent Staff. We have further negotiations with Cadent on Tuesday, 30th November, and following those meetings we will give you a full update.

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Office


Posted on:

Dear member

We have reached agreement with Cadent to run a 6-month alternative to annualised hours trial. This is a change that GMB members have been calling for and this trial is a step in the right direction.

Key Points

The trial will launch on Sunday, 28th November 2021, for a 6-month period ending 28th May 2022. All Cadent G employees are included in the trial.

There will be a review with GMB union at three months and then two weeks before the end of the six-month period, to determine whether the alternative to annualised hours is made permanent.

There will be no annualised hours bank in operation during the trial, instead network supervisors will be responsible for scheduling a 42-hour week on average for the duration of the trial. These rules are based on an average 42-hour week. However, actual weekly hours are dependent upon the work rota.

Existing annualised hours balances, whether in credit or debit, will be frozen during the trial. This means no one will start the trial in debit or credit. Where the balance is in credit this will be paid as normal at the end of the usual Annualised hour year (1 July to 30 June).

If an individual works additional hours to their rostered hours this can be claimed as overtime, even where this falls on a week where an employee may be scheduled for less than 42 hours.

Annual leave will be calculated and booked in hours (277.2 hours per year) and deductions from entitlement made based on planned shift length. This will be for the duration of the trial. Part time employees’ entitlement will be calculated pro rata. Annual leave will be monitored during the trial to ensure employees are not at detriment.

We hope the trial runs smoothly, and we see the back of annualised hours. But there will be issues and if you cannot resolve these with your supervisor, please see your GMB workplace rep.

If you are not yet a GMB member, you can join online at or complete the form overleaf and return it to your GMB workplace rep.

In solidarity




Posted on:

Dear Member

Talks between Cadent and GMB reps on Cadent G annualised hours are continuing. Progress is being made, though there a few things that need to be ironed out.

Hopefully this can be done in the next couple of weeks and the trial will be able to start on 28th November 2021.

We’ll keep you informed of developments.


In Solidarity


National Officer

CADENT PAY 2021 - Ballot Results

Posted on:

Dear Member

The GMB pay ballots across the three bargaining groups have now closed. We have counted the ballot papers, and the results are in:

Cadent G Field Force

Accept 0.30%

Reject 99.7%

Cadent Legacy Field Force

Accept 1.7%

Reject 98.3%

Cadent Staff

Accept 3%

Reject 97%

A big thank you to GMB members for taking part in the ballot. The results are a massive rejection of the company’s pay offer and shows the strength of feeling across Cadent. Staff members in Unison also overwhelmingly rejected the pay offer.

Employees in Cadent are united and want a good pay rise and better terms and conditions. Cadent made nearly a £1billion pounds profits and can afford to pay more.

We have informed Cadent of the results. They now need to listen to their employees and come back negotiating table with a much better offer. We willl keep you informed of developments.

If you haven’t yet joined GMB then you can do so online or by completing the form overleaf and returning it to your GMB workplace rep.


In Solidarity


National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 13-07-2021

Posted on:

Dear Member

Following the GMB national AOF meeting held on Friday, 2nd July 2021, to discuss Cadent’s final pay offer, we have written to the company.

The unanimous view of the GMB national AOF, having canvassed the views of members, is that the final pay offer of 1.5% is unacceptable. And that if we were to ballot members, it would be with a recommendation to reject.

 The lack of recognition for working on the frontline through Covid was raised by each and every GMB rep at the AOF. It is something that the field force feels strongly about and this cannot simply be brushed aside. Inflation is rising and the Cadent offer of 1.5% is less than half the current rate of inflation (RPI) and below average wage settlements.

If we are to reach an agreement on pay, then it will need to be at higher level than the one currently on offer.

We will let you know when we get a response from the company and any further developments.

If you are not yet a GMB member, you can join online


In Solidarity


National Officer


Posted on:

Field Force Legacy - Final Pay Offer

Since submitting the GMB pay claim back in March 2021 we have had a couple of pay meetings with the company. At the DOF meeting held on 9th June 2021, the company confirmed that their final offer is as follows:

  • A one-year deal covering the period 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022.
  • A consolidated 1.5% increase to Base Pay from 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022.
  • The increase to flow through to all allowances as per the Handbook (with the exception of Christmas and New Year payments).
  • The increase is applicable from 1st July 2021. As the cut-off date for implementation of this increase into the July payroll has passed, pay will be backdated accordingly.
  • Back dated payment will be made at the earliest opportunity.

GMB Pay Claim 2021

Here is a reminder of the pay claim GMB sent to management in March 2021.

A) 3% increase on base salary flowing through to all relevant allowances.

B) £750 lump sum recognition payment for the work undertaken by our recognised key workers throughout the Covid19 pandemic.

C) This pay claim is for the period 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022. (1 year)

GMB DOF View and Next Steps

The GMB DOF negotiating team has told management that 1.5% offer is not acceptable because it does not reflect all the hard work and commitment the field force has shown throughout the COVID pandemic, and it is less than inflation and below other pay settlements in the energy and utilities sector.

We will be holding a GMB national AOF reps meeting on Friday 2nd July 2021, to discuss the pay offer. We would like GMB members to let their GMB reps know what they think of the offer in advance of the national AOF meeting. The views of our members are very important to us.

Cadent G Pay Talks

Since we submitted the Cadent G pay claim back in March, we have had one meeting with the company. At the meeting GMB reps went through the claim in detail, setting out the reasons why we believe annualised do not work and the need to improve Cadent G terms and conditions. The company is yet to come back to us with an offer. We have been chasing them for another meeting, which they say will be in the week commencing 21st June 2021. We will keep you informed of any developments and keep pushing for better Cadent G pay and conditions.

Staff Grades Pay Talks

GMB & UNISON reps have had two meetings with the company and the offer was the same as that offered to legacy field force employees. Both GMB & UNISON agree the offer to staff was disappointing and fell well short of what we believe members deserve in a highly profitable business like Cadent. The business has gone away to consider its position.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, you can join online at or complete the membership form and give it to your local GMB workplace rep.


In Solidarity


National Officer

Cadent – No 31, Oct 2020

Posted on:

Dear Colleagues

When Cadent announced that they would be reverting to the sick policy for Covid, GMB challenged this at field force and staff meetings. With Covid cases rising every day it is the wrong time to remove sick pay and put people through sick reviews for Covid related absence. GMB has called on Cadent to reverse the decision.

Cadent employees have worked throughout the pandemic and should receive full pay if off with Covid or required to self-isolate.

Cadent employees should not fear triggering the sickness absence policy because they have Covid or are required to self-isolate.

GMB has challenged the change and Cadent have said they will review their position.

Cadent have also said they will use their discretion, so if you have Covid or have self-isolate and you’re worried about getting paid or triggering the sickness absence policy, please speak to your GMB workplace rep. We are here to help and take matters up with management.

If you are not a GMB member, then you can join online: JOIN

GMB campaigning for better health, safety and welfare at work.

Yours in Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer


Posted on:

Click the link below to view the letter in full from EPSU to Cadent G and Legacy Members.


Posted on:

Dear Member

GMB Union is calling on all Cadent field force members to take part in Strike Action for 48 hours from 00:01 hours on Monday, 30th May 2022, until 23:59 hours on Tuesday, 31st May 2022.

This is part of the GMB Union campaign for better pay and conditions for field force employees.

Overtime Ban

GMB is bringing the current overtime ban to an end from 23:59 on Tuesday, 24th May 2022. We would like to thank all GMB members for taking part and supporting the ban.

Background to Pay Dispute

In January, GMB members voted overwhelmingly to reject the company’s pay offer of 2% for 2021 and 4% from July 2022. Members told us they rejected this because the 2021 offer was worse than the previous offer (£750 taken off the table) and the 2022 offer was lower than inflation.

In April, 86.9% of GMB members voted for strike action and 90.6% voted for action short of strike action on a 65% turnout. This easily surpassed the 50% turnout threshold required by law.

Seeking a Resolution

Throughout, GMB has sought to resolve the pay dispute through negotiation. We put forward 3%, 2021 & 5% for 2022, and improvements to Cadent G terms & conditions, which is both reasonable and affordable.

Following the industrial action ballot result in April, GMB initiated talks through ACAS. One meeting took place, but unfortunately Cadent did not put forward a new offer, so no further meetings have taken place.

The GMB remains open to further talks and would like to resolve the dispute without strike action, but the company needs to increase the pay offer. Cadent made £900 million profit last year and can afford to pay their field force employees more.

What is happening on the Strike Days

GMB Union is calling on all field force members to take Strike Action for 48 hours from 00:01 hours on Monday, 30th May 2022, until 23:59 hours on Tuesday 31st May 2022.

  • GMB members are not required to tell Cadent they are striking and can simply stay at home on the strike days. You do not have to ring in or let the let the company know.
  • GMB will be arranging pickets at depots across the networks, and we will need GMB members to come along to show their support on the days.
  • Please speak your local GMB rep if you want to join the picket line. GMB regional organisers will also be in attendance, and you might get visits from local press and politicians.
  • We hope the weather will be fine on the strike days, but please come dressed appropriately and be prepared for good natured demonstrating.
  • For those members who do not wish to come down to the picket line, you do not need to attend work and are free to spend time with family and friends. We appreciate it is half term in many areas of the Country.
  • Cadent will not pay you for being on strike.

How can the dispute be resolved?

Cadent needs to increase the pay offer. GMB members ask 3% increase for 2021, 5% for 2022, and improvements to Cadent G terms and conditions is both reasonable and affordable.

What you can do

Join the Strike Action, fight for your rights, fight for better pay and conditions.

If you are not yet a GMB member and want to take part in the strike action, you can join online


In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 27-05-2022

Posted on:

Dear member

Apologies, for not getting this out yesterday, things were extremely busy and I ran out of time.

We had discussions with the company on Thursday 26th May and this led to Cadent tabling a new offer, so we’ve suspended the strike action and members will get the chance to vote on the new offer.

Summary of the New Pay Offer

The £750 that was not part of the last offer, is back on the table and is worth in cash terms a minimum of 2% for the highest paid field force and more for those on lower rates.

The 4% increase payable from May 2022 is worth more than 4% because it is paid from May not July 2022.

This means that from 1st May 2022, if accepted, 6% will be applied to basic rates and allowances and members will get £750 worth a minimum of 2% in June.

Members will also receive 2% back pay from 1st July 2021 to 30th April 2022 and back of 4% from May 2022.

The third-year offer, which is actually only next year, is an RPI increase (retail prices index) normally the highest inflation index with a minimum increase of 5%, but no maximum. This is a very good offer when you consider where inflation is and is likely to be.

The improvements to Cadent G terms go cover nearly everything in the pay claim and is significant progress on where Cadent G staff currently are and adds more to the overall percentage increase.

The GMB will be balloting members on the new pay & conditions offer and we will put out a more detailed breakdown of the offer next week.

The ballot will take place week commencing 6th June 2022 and GMB is strongly recommending acceptance of the offer.

Details of the New Pay Offer

The pay offer for the whole of the Field Force consists of:

• A lump sum payment of £750, to be paid in June 2022, in addition to the £750 lump sum already paid in January 2022

• A 2% increase to base pay for 2021 in line with the most recent pay offer, this will be backdated to 1 July 2021

• A 4% increase to base pay for 2022 in line with the most recent pay offer, however this will now be backdated to 1 May 2022

• A base pay offer for 2023 linked to inflation, specifically RPI, which: Is at a percentage equal to the average of RPI for the 12 months up to and including 31 March 2023. Is at a minimum of 5%.

• The base pay increases are to flow through to all allowances as per the DOF Handbook or Cadent G Terms & Conditions as appropriate (with the exception of Christmas & New Years as normal)

This is in addition to the non-base pay enhancements that were committed to in the previous pay offer for our Cadent G colleagues which include:

• An increase to standby payments, matching the standby payment to our Legacy field Force (DOF) from 1st July 2022;

• An extension the onerous hours window from 1st July 2022, moving it from 10pm to 6am, to a new window of 8pm to 8am;

• The provision of a one-off payment of £48.00 for employees who work on any Bank Holiday back dated to 1st July 2021, payable to employees who are called upon to work;

• Commitment to permanently remove annualised hours through formal consultation, commencing at the earliest opportunity following acceptance of the pay offer.


In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer


Posted on:


Dear Member

The two pay ballots have closed, and the results are as follows:

Legacy Field Force

74.5% ACCEPT

25.5% REJECT

Cadent G Field Force

69.5% ACCEPT

30.5% REJECT

GMB members in both bargaining groups have therefore accepted the company’s improved pay offers and we have informed Cadent of the results.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank both the Reps and the Regional Officers for all their hard work and support during the negotiations, and the workplace and industrial action ballots.

I would also like to thank the Cadent GMB members, whose steadfast support for one another has brought the company back to the table and resulted in an improved offer that members have now accepted.



Cadent G Annualised Hours

Posted on:

Dear Member

The GMB has started talks with Cadent over the removal of annualised hours as agreed as part of the pay deal. The consultation will last a minimum of 45 days from the 28th June 2022.

GMB Reps welcome your opinions and will work in your best interests throughout the process. We will keep you regularly informed as talks develop.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, you can join online

In solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Cadent G – Annualised Hours Ballot Result

Posted on:

Dear Member

The GMB Cadent G annualised hours ballot has closed, and the result is as follows:

Accept - 79%

Reject - 21%

Thank you to all GMB members for taking part in the ballot. It is a positive result and a step forward in achieving better terms and conditions for Cadent G members.

A reminder of the headline changes

  • Removal of annualised hours and change to average 42-hour week across the year.
  • Removal of flex up/down and change to additional hours paid in lieu monthly
  • Change to annual leave process from days to hours (277.2 hours equivalent to 33 days)
  • Change to annual leave year from Jul-Jun to birth month,
  • 42 hours leave carry over (equivalent to 5 days).

We have communicated the result to Cadent and we will work with the company to get the changes implemented.

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

CADENT STAFF Pay Offer 2023-24

Posted on:

Dear Members

Pay negotiations have taken place with Cadent and a full and final offer has been tabled which GMB is recommending to members. The Company offer is a one-year deal covering the period 1July 2023 to 30 June 2024:

  • A consolidated increase to base pay from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, at a percentage equal to the average of RPI for the 12 months up to and including 31 March 2023. In any case, the increase would be 7.5% minimum.
  • The base pay increases are to flow through to all allowances as per Terms & Conditions (as appropriate).

This offer is in line with the Field Force pay deal negotiated by GMB.

The average rate of RPI inflation over the past seven months from April to October 2022 is 12.28%. The 7.5% minimum guarantee is there in case inflation suddenly drops, though Bank of England predictions are that inflation will remain high during the 12-month reference period.

RPI Inflation – April to October 2022















7-month average = 12.28%

GMB believes linking the 2023 pay rise to RPI inflation is significant and we are recommending acceptance of the full and final pay offer.

In solidarity



Join us and become a GMB
member today.