Aerospace, Defence & Shipbuilding

GMB is a leading union in the sector, and we are a key member of The Confederation of Shipbuilding & Engineering Unions (, holding the Chair of its Maritime Sector.

We are a major trade union in employers including Rolls Royce, Harland & Wolff, A&P Group, BAE Systems, Cammell Laird and Babcock.

Our union's rich history in the sector goes back well over a hundred years and today we are at the forefront of fighting for a sustainable future.

We also proudly participate in the Alex Ferry Foundation - The Alex Ferry Foundation is committed to good work, supportive communities and improving lives in shipbuilding, engineering and manufacturing areas throughout the UK.

On this noticeboard you will find copies of information related to the employers we negotiate with and issues relevant to the sector.

Last update: 23 Sep 2024

MoD Main Bargaining Unit - Pay Talks Update

Posted on:

Dear GMB Union Members,

Your national team have been in negotiations over the past couple of months with the employer on 'MoD Main' pay.

We have now reached the position of a best and final offer from the employer for this year.

Your national reps committee have discussed the offer. Whilst the offer falls short of our ambitious pay claim, our view is that significant progress was made in the talks, and the employer moved their original position very substantially during the negotiation process, directly because of trade union input.

Therefore we are recommending that members consider accepting the offer. Your reps believe it is the best that will be achieved by negotiation and is the most acceptable offer from the employer for several years.

We have also secured a commitment to move forward to discussing next year's pay award early so we can make process on long-term issues with pay.

You will receive a ballot as a GMB Union member. We advise to consider voting to Accept the offer.

Thank you for your support.

If you do not have a GMB rep in your workplace, please consider stepping forward or nominating a colleague.

If you have colleagues who are not yet union members, encourage them to join GMB online today. Together we have a stronger voice.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts, GMB National Officer for Defence

Richards Barber, GMB National Lead Rep, MoD

Harland & Wolff Update

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Dear GMB Union Member,

Following the news today that the H&W holding company is insolvent and has been put into administration we are continuing to call for assurances on the future of the yards. As we referenced last week, there is only funding for the business until the end of this month, although the management are trying to get finance.

We have written to the two Secretaries of State for both Business and Defence in the UK Government. There is no doubt they inherited a mess from the previous officeholders but we are calling on them to outline to workers the plan for saving these crucial national assets.

Many promises have been made around the FSS order, and about Labour’s plan for Renewables and the ‘jobs of the future’. These promises to workers and communities must be honoured.

We are telling Ministers that it would rank as one of the greatest betrayals in Northern Ireland’s industrial history if these promises and ambitions are allowed to die. There must be no scenario in which Government stand by and allow any section of work promised for Appledore or Belfast yards to go overseas.

Government need to answer if they will continue the Renewables path of outsourcing jobs and importing virtue, or will we ensure UK renewables work goes into our sovereign yards? Without Arnish and Methil, where will these much-vaunted green jobs of the future go? How will we offset the impact the Government’s policies will have on our oil and gas sector? Labour has promised big; we now need to see the plan.

The Government must now act to ensure no private company in the bidding should be allowed to cherry pick what yards or contracts they wish to save - especially with huge taxpayer contracts in the mix. All four Harland & Wolff yards are needed for our country and can thrive under a proper industrial strategy.

These are decisions on strategic national sovereign assets that should be led by our Government before Corporations. Leaving these vital yards - and the crucial FSS contract with all its promises for UK shipbuilding - to the mercy of the market is not good enough. The Government must provide the support and oversight to get the market to the solution we need so the four yards can all thrive in the long run.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts

National Officer

Harland & Wolff Members Update

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Dear GMB Union Member,

Your reps and officers have been meeting with H&W and Navantia.

There are 21 expressions of interest in buying H&W. How many of these are credible is unclear, but it is expected this could come down to 5/6 and then 1/2.

We are calling for the best option for the jobs, sites and communities, not just the best option for the creditors. Bids will need to be submitted in the next week. There is reported interest in Arnish and Methil as renewables sites.

There is only funding for the business until the end of this month. H&W are in talks over funding for October.

Investigations are taking place into financial issues. The corporate group may not have credibility, but your jobs and skills do. All your sites are of national importance. Government have promised us the jobs of the future in the energy transition.

We have been clear with Navantia, H&W, and Government, that we expect the UK parts of the Fleet Solid Support order to be honoured in full and all promises made to Belfast and Appledore must be kept.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts, National Officer


Posted on:

Dear GMB Union Member,

Regular meetings continue to be held between the employer and your reps and organisers in order for us to get an understanding as to the latest developments and put forward your questions.

Since our last update, you will have seen that company Chairman, Malcolm Groat, has left with immediate effect, along with two non-executive directors.

The employer has informed us that they have experienced difficulties obtaining steel for the current contracts due to cost constraints. Further meetings are being held in order to try resolve this problem.

Outside these meetings, we have also been speaking to politicians, civil servants and other companies with a view to securing the long-term future of all of the yards.

Whilst no one is denying that the level of debt is a significant problem, we are certain that outside of that there remain significant assets and a skilled workforce, and ultimately that is what gives us confidence that there can be a viable future.

Whilst serious questions have to be asked as to how this situation has arisen, we remain confident that it can still be recovered and are working hard to secure the work necessary to protect members jobs in the long term.

For some yards, this involves getting assurances that promised work will be delivered, in others actively seeking contracts that can give you, our members, confidence for the future.

We will aim to update you with more information as soon as it becomes available. Please continue to speak to your reps to feed your questions into the process.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts

National Officer

GMB Union


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Dear GMB Union Member,

Your reps and officers have continued to meet with senior management twice weekly. The interim CEO has now completed his visits to the four core sites.

The injection of additional cash into the company has now been received in full, and management continue to tell your reps and officers that they have supportive creditors.

The interim CEO continues to work with all stakeholders, including you as employees through your trade unions, on a viable plan for the future of the company. We understand there is various interest in the business and discussions are taking place.

The interim CEO has been made aware of the anger that can be caused by recently publicised examples of director pay and bonuses.

Unfortunately, the Falkland Islands ‘FIPASS’ project will not be going ahead at this time. This is clearly disappointing as it was a significant contract, but your reps and officers have received assurances that this will have no direct or immediate impact on employees, as it had not moved beyond ‘preferred bidder’ status.

Discussions are continuing with Navantia regarding the Fleet Solid Support Contract, and the company are also engaging with the UK Ministry of Defence and the Scottish Government.

Your reps and officers have been clear that all ‘FSS’ work intended for Appledore and Belfast must stay within the UK, and all promises made to you in relation to this order must be kept in full.

Management have confirmed that the September apprentice intake will still proceed. Discussions will continue over the various pay and conditions arrangements that are negotiated locally at your sites.

This continues to be a difficult time, but work is ongoing to find the best outcome. As we said in the last message, if we stick together, we have the best opportunity of getting through this. Keep close with your reps and each other. We will send further updates as the regular meetings continue.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts, National Officer

Update on Defence Equipment & Support and Submarine Delivery Agency Pay Offers

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Dear GMB Union Members,

Thank you to all members in both DE&S and the SDA who voted on your employers’ recent ‘best and final’ pay offers.

We can confirm that nationally you REJECTED the ‘best and final’ offers in both agencies.

As a result, your reps and officers sought further urgent talks with the two employers. We have met with both employers today and further discussions will take place.

Due to the civil service pay remit guidance, issued this week, being higher than anticipated, this has given the two employers some extra space to re-open negotiations with us, despite their ‘best and final’ position. We will explore this and seek an improved position.

We have confirmation from today’s meetings, from both the employers, that they have heard your rejection and will be making improved offers to your reps and officers shortly.

It is important that we have a strong, organised union in each workplace. In the meantime, whilst we await the improved offers, please ask any colleagues who are not members of a union to join GMB online and support us. Please also keep talking to your reps about your pay and conditions. If you don’t have a rep at your site, why not stand to be one yourself? Get in touch with us if you are interested. Together we are stronger.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts

National Officer


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Workers will refuse overtime work in the ongoing dispute over pay and conditions.

GMB union has today announced that members at Rolls Royce’s submarine programme in Derby have backed an escalation in the ongoing industrial action facing the company.

Workers will now engage in an overtime ban, meaning company managers will not be able to call on staff to fulfil already groaning order books outside of contracted hours.

An overtime ban will come into place from Friday 31 May for one month.

Mick Coppin, GMB Organiser, said:

“Rolls Royce is a British institution as well as being a hugely profitable company.

“Sadly Rolls Royce bosses have refused to do what’s right by the high skilled and dedicated workforce that do so much for Rolls Royce.

“Managers are gambling with full international orderbooks at a time when the UK should be promoting it’s manufacturing capabilities across the globe.

“An overtime ban will have a huge impact on company orders at a time when order books are groaning.

“It’s time to end this and get back around the table with an offer that respects the vital contribution these workers make”.

Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) National Pay Negotiations Update

Posted on:

Dear GMB Members

Your Trade Union team met with DE&S today for the first formal pay negotiations session following the recent submission of this year’s national joint pay claim.

The meeting was constructive. A second negotiation session will now take place in April.

Your Trade Union team and the employer are working towards May/June as a window to be in a position to share an offer for your consideration.

Please continue to talk to your GMB Union reps about pay and conditions. If you would like to stand for election as a rep yourself, please contact your GMB Region/Nation.

If you have any colleagues who are not yet a member of GMB Union, please encourage them to join online. Together we are stronger.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts

National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 31-08-2023

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GMB secures strong commitments from the Labour Party

At Labour’s recent National Policy Forum (NPF), your GMB delegation secured a clear commitment to ending the post-2010 international tendering policy. We also won a promise that the UK’s NATO defence spending commitment will be met, and that UK defence manufacturing receives the investment it needs to grow, so our armed forces have the equipment needed to defend the UK and provide long-term assistance to Ukraine.

GMB’s amendments included a line that Labour is “committed to reforming defence procurement, recognising that British investment can be directed first to British industry when decisions consider factors such as good employer weightings and taxation paid in the UK”.

Matt Roberts, GMB National Officer said, “We believe that in the event of a future UK Labour government, these strong commitments on defence manufacturing will help to sustain decent skilled UK jobs for the future. Labour is recognising that defence procurement strengthens our UK economy and sovereignty.”

The power of the GMB and CSEU campaigning is also seen in other positive NPF commitments on ending the Conservatives' policy of sending defence shipbuilding contracts overseas and securing a 30-year pipeline of orders that can deliver investment and high-quality apprenticeships in the UK’s shipyards.

Successful CSEU Conference for GMB delegates

Your GMB team recently attended the CSEU Conference in Birmingham and passed motions on subjects ranging from Support for Aukus, Reindustrialising Apprenticeships, Solidarity with Ukraine, Shorter Working Time, Breathe Safe, and NSIGN. Reps attended from all Nations and Regions of the UK, from workplaces including Spirit Aerosystems, Ferguson Marine, Rolls Royce, Babcock, BAE Systems, and others.

Gary Thompson, a GMB Rep at BAE Systems Land in the North East of England and was a new delegate this year, commented: “As a first timer I can say the topics covered were very thought-provoking, especially the motions on British steel and neurodiversity”.

GMB working with Australians on Aukus

Your GMB and CSEU national team have held meetings with the Australian High Commissioner to the UK, Stephen Smith, and their Federal Minister for Skills & Training Brendan O’Connor, as we work to maximise the opportunities for workers in both countries.Andy Prendergast, GMB National Secretary, commented: “The Aukus deal is a real opportunity to support and increase UK jobs in this crucial sector. It was great to talk to Minister O’Connor, who strongly recognises the value of trade unions and supporting workers in both the UK and Australia.”

Could you be a Workplace Rep?

Are you someone who has a strong sense of fairness? Do you speak up for your team? Do you want a safe and prosperous future for you and your colleagues, and your workplace? Do you enjoy helping others and making sure everyone is well looked after? Are you looking for new opportunities and to develop your skills and knowledge? Consider standing for election to become a Workplace Rep for GMB Union… speak to your local Convenor or Organiser.

Join us and become a GMB
member today.