What's the impact on workers?

GMB workplace surveys about the menopause inform us that many members find the symptoms of the menopause have a serious impact at work.

For example, members report that lack of sleep and feeling “foggy” have an impact on carrying out tasks at work that normally they would have no problem with. In some cases, these issues can lead to employers pursuing capability or disciplinary procedures.

Members also report cultural barriers such as inappropriate jokes and stigma at work preventing them from speaking to their employer about this impact. Many members have been unable to be open and honest with their line manager about how the menopause is impacting them because of a lack of confidentiality.

Some employers are starting to recognise the impact of the menopause on women workers; however, most workplaces still do not provide any inclusive policy or practical support for workers including younger women, trans men, non-binary or intersex workers who may also experience the menopause.

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