Labour's plan for working people

Labour is the only party committed to putting rights, equality and power in the hands of working people. And there's a lot to do after nearly a decade of Conservative governments wedded to austerity and privatisation policies which have disadvantaged the most vulnerable in society, cut public services and the pay of those who work in them in real terms, and failed to defend our manufacturing jobs and the communities that rely on them.

At work, Labour will tackle insecurity head on, benefitting our members working in all areas of the economy from ASOS warehouses to care homes by guaranteeing employment rights from day one to all, a real living wage of at least £10 an hour and an end zero hour contracts.

Labour will tackle the housing crisis by building over a million genuinely affordable new homes in ten years and introduce rent controls on ever increasing lettings costs.

Labour is the party of the NHS and will put a stop to the back-door selling off of our health service under the Conservatives, ensuring its properly publicly owned with properly funded mental health services.

In our schools, Labour will make sure all primary school children have free school meals, and will bring in a progressive system of free education for all through a new National Education Service; and guarantee quality apprenticeships and adult skills training.

Labour will fight soaring transport costs and rebuild our transport networks by bringing trains into public ownership and extend public control over our bus networks, creating a reliable service for everyone who needs to travel.

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