GMB, Britain’s general union, says the Government’s Brexit deal leaves the Conservatives free to attack workers’ rights further down the line.
Ministers refused to release any impact assessments of the deal ahead of MPs vote today [Saturday].
Brand new analysis by The UK in a Changing Europe suggest each person in the UK would be £800 worst off per year under Johnson’s deal.
The Conservatives have also admitted the deal offers a back door to a no deal Brexit.
Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, said:
“If Boris Johnson is happy to lie to the Queen, how are workers supposed to trust his word on jobs, rights and our industries?
“This deal looks even worse than Theresa May’s and that was roundly rejected by MPs.
“There is no impact assessment or clear understanding of what the measures here will mean for trade, manufacturing and investment in the UK.
“GMB believes manufacturing investment and jobs will be put at risk from this deal.
”What every experience has taught us is that Tory governments can’t be trusted on workers’ rights. This deal just frees them up to attack us down the line.
“GMB has no doubt they’d take every chance to do that - assurances from the £350 million pound for the NHS mob are not worth the paper they’re written on.”