GMB in Deliveroo update
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This week your GMB Deliveroo National Committee met with the company – one of 4 meetings we hold each year where our reps raise the issues that matter to you.
The new Minimum Pay Floor of £12 plus costs for time on order is in place. We are working to ensure that there are strong processes in place to ensure this is applied correctly and will update members as these discussions progress.
Respect Charter update
This year we launched a campaign to improve the way that restaurants treat members. Restaurants that are committed to treating couriers with respect can sign up to be a Respect Charter restaurant. We can also investigate restaurants where the standards are not good enough: long wait times, rude staff, refusal to use facilities.
You can already nominate a restaurant or flag an issue via GMB at Soon, Deliveroo will also offer this on their website and will write out to all Deliveroo riders.
At previous meetings, we raised the issue of transparency on orders. We have asked for orders to clearly show the distance, the estimated time and information about weight/volume. This is so that members can make informed decisions about what job they are accepting.
Deliveroo is moving forward with testing around greater transparency on orders. We will continue to push to get members the information you need on the app.
On heavy items, new restrictions are being brought in to automatically flag items that breach weight/volume guidelines. For example, items cannot be more than 5kg and there will be limits by category of product.
Supplier agreement changes
Later this year changes to the supplier agreement will be sent out. These changes are to allow for new earning opportunities for couriers and to tighten up the rules on substitutes. Members will receive the new supplier agreement by email and will then have some time to accept the changes via the Deliveroo app.
Other matters discussed
Following requests by members, we raised the issue of bike theft, particularly in flats. Deliveroo committed to looking into new insurance options and into nudging customers so bikes were not left unattended.
We discussed career paths for couriers and how Deliveroo can improve its use of budgets for apprenticeships.
On Health and Safety, the Flare app is functioning as a way for members to report incidents. We talked about more work that should be done to keep members safe including the ability to live call rider in cases where members are
We made it clear in no uncertain terms that GMB would oppose the introduction of rider ratings
We committed to working together to change the law so that it becomes a specific offence to assault delivery drivers.
GMB Deliveroo National Committee