Birmingham faces school strike escalation

Posted by Jon Parker-Dean
Wednesday 22 May 2024
GMB Trade Union - Birmingham faces school strike escalation

GMB Union will ballot members in 35 additional schools

Along with the thirty-five that took part in strike action earlier this month, this brings the total number of Birmingham schools facing equal pay strike distribution in the city to 70.

Workers including teaching assistants, catering staff and grounds maintenance workers will take part in the ballot.

The vote comes after the union slammed council bosses for delays and broken promises on settling GMB members claims for equal pay.

Alice Reynolds, GMB Organiser, said:

“This is a decisive escalation from GMB members in Birmingham.

“Now 70 Birmingham Schools, over half of the city’s schools, face a summer of strike uncertainty thanks to the delays and broken promises of Birmingham City Council.

“It’s time for urgent action from council bosses to set out a clear timetable for settling these claims and ending the equal pay crisis.”

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