ASDA Equal Pay Claim Form
Use our online form to submit your legal claim for equal pay.
Equal pay is a priority for GMB union. That's why women workers across the country are organising with GMB and campaigning for pay justice.
ASDA retail workers deserve to be treated fairly.
GMB believes that workers in ASDA stores, who are mainly women, do work of equal value to those working in distribution, who are mainly men.
But ASDA pays distribution workers up to £3.74 more an hour than those in store.
That can’t be right, and thousands of ASDA workers have submitted legal claims against ASDA demanding equal pay.
If they win, they will get backdated pay as compensation, and ASDA will have to pay their retail workers fairly from that moment on.
But we can’t just rely on the courts; ASDA workers need to campaign and keep the pressure on the company to treat them fairly.
Join GMB and play your part in the historic fight for equal pay for ASDA retail workers.
No fun this Black Friday for the thousands of workers frantically packing to meet customer demands.
Company formally signs charter after GMB member led campaign.
Jobs lost in another blow for struggling high streets.
Jobs put at risk amid supermarket giant's merger with Sainsbury's.
Thousands of jobs would be at risk in a devastating impact on communities.
Proposed merger would affect choice and wellbeing of families and communities.
GMB will ensure the voice of the workforce is heard loud and clear and jobs are protected.
Our first priority is to safeguard the job of every single ASDA member in stores and in distribution.