Workplaces must cater for colour blindness

Posted by GMB Admin
Tuesday 14 June 2022
GMB Trade Union - Workplaces must cater for colour blindness

Almost 3 million men affected, employers must cater for them

Workplaces must cater for the colour blindness affecting almost 3 million men, GMB congress heard [13 June 2022] 

Difficulty distinguishing between shades of red, yellow and green affects 1 in 12 men – although just and 1 in 200 women. 

It can cause issues with learning, identifying warning signs and can limit career choice. 

Some employers don’t recognise colour blindness as a disability, so will not make reasonable adjustments or provide appropriate equipment to support employees to be able to do the role. 

GMB congress calls on all employers to recognise colour blindness and provide adequate resources to help workers cope. 

GMB congress takes place in Harrogate, Yorkshire, from 12 – 16 Jun 

Phillip Rogers, GMB Activist said:  

“Living with colour deficiency is a real problem for millions of people of all ages right across the UK. 

“Right now, the UK is failing thousands of colour deficient school children struggling in classrooms, and workers unable to do essential parts of their job. 

“This needs to change, people shouldn’t have to learn to cope when education and some relatively small changes could make all the difference for thousands of people.” 

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