GMB Learning
Welcome to GMB Learning. Here you can find all the learning opportunities available to you as part of your GMB membership.

The National Lifelong Learning Committee (NLLC) is GMB Union’s key forum for coordination and oversight in upskilling our members, that is for the benefit of GMB Union and lay members.
Our rebranded NLLC provides structure and direction in learning values, to steer GMB’s national and regional objectives, to maximise training opportunities to the membership for achieving workplace learning outcomes, by establishing equality of access in higher educational and vocational qualifications through its objectives.
The NLLC provides a forum to debate and set lifelong learning priorities for the lay membership, by scanning the educational and vocational horizons.
The NLLC also provides a forum to ensure external, impartial and independent expertise is integrated in discussions on national lifelong learning, to promote innovation and constructive challenge for the trade union movement.
Got a question for the GMB Learning team? Email us at learning@gmb.org.uk