Join GMB Today

Our family includes over 500,000 members who work in every type of job imaginable across public services and in private companies too. Our members work full-time, part-time or work while they study.

We're on your side. We exist to get a better deal for our members and to support you when you need help. Join now to be a part of something bigger.

Please select your country of residence to get started:
  • uk map
  • roi map

Joining Information

Why join GMB?

Being a GMB member means someone is always on your side. We exist to get better pay, terms and conditions for members and to support you if there is a problem.

Who can join GMB?

GMB is a trade union for everyone. We have members in every job imaginable in the public sector and in private companies.

What does it cost?

In full time employment? It's £14.88 per month. If you work 20hrs or fewer a week it's £8.48. Work in a school? Please check current rates with your local office.

Online Joining Enquiries

0141 849 6691

(Mon - Fri 09.00 – 16.30)

GMB Trade Union, National Office, 22 Stephenson Way, Euston, NW1 2HD

About You

Your Contact Details

  • We prefer a personal email address, not one linked to your employer.

    I consent to GMB using my email address to contact me regarding my membership application. For full details as to how GMB will process your data you can see our privacy policy here.

Employment Status

  • Click which best describes your employment status:

    GMB member working full time for more than 20 hours

    £14.88 per month

    GMB member working part-time for 20 hours or less and GMB members under 18 years. if you work in a school please check the current GMB rate with your local GMB office.

    £8.48 per month

    GMB members undertaking an accredited apprenticeship.

    £3.00 per month

    For non-working students only.

    £1.00 per month

Your workplace address:
  • This is your work location/workplace address

Staying in Touch

We want to make it as easy as possible to talk to each other.

GMB contacts members by email, phone and SMS about issues related to membership, membership services and campaigns.

  • Tick if you DO wish to be contacted by:

The Political Fund

GMB has a political fund to pay for political campaigning which you can opt-in to for 1p a week. In the past, the fund has helped win rights such as the minimum wage and maternity leave. There will be no detriment to you if you do not opt-in.

  • Do you want to opt-in to the political fund?

Set Your Password

This will be your GMB password

Your password should be at least 8 characters long, contain at least one UPPERCASE letter and one number.

  • Weak Password Medium Password Medium Password Strong Password

Set up a Direct Debit

Before you begin the Direct Debit step, please answer the following questions:

  • Is the bank account in your name?
  • Are you the only signatory required to authorise this Direct Debit?

Member Diversity

GMB collects equality monitoring data in order to ensure diversity in our membership and democratic structures and help us to meet our aims of being a fully inclusive union. We follow the most recent government guidelines, which we understand are not fitting for everyone so there is an option to self define, although choosing a specific category will assist us with analysing data if you can. Sharing this information with GMB is optional. All data will be kept securely.

  • Choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background.

  • This may include: physical and mental health conditions, neurodivergent conditions (ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia etc), diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, limb difference, chronic pain, vision impairment, being deaf or hard of hearing, chronic conditions relating to older age and other conditions not listed here.

  • Trans is an umbrella term used by people whose gender is not the same as the sex they were assigned at birth.

Providing equality monitoring helps us to analyse our membership and get in contact on issues relevent to you.

Review and Confirm

Please review and confirm your details, including your direct debit details, below. You will be able to update details through your MyGMB members area once your membership has been set up. To read the GMB rulebook please click here. To see our privacy policy please click here.

About You

  • Your name
  • Date of birth

Contact Details

  • Your address
  • Home email
  • Mobile phone
  • Home phone

Employment Details

  • Employment type
  • Your employer
  • Employer's address
  • Hours worked

Contacting You

  • By email
  • By phone
  • By SMS

Member Diversity

  • Your Gender
  • Do you identify as trans or have a trans history?
  • Your ethnic group
  • Are you disabled?
  • Sexual orientation

Your Monthly Subscription

  • Subscription type
  • Monthly cost
  • Political Contribution

Direct Debit

  • Bank name
  • Bank branch
  • Account holder(s)
  • Account number
  • Sort code
     - - 

The name which will appear on your bank statement against the Direct Debit will be GMB Trade Union. Please do not send this form to your bank.