What issues do women workers face in the workplace?
Find out more about the issues woman face in the workplace and how being a GMB member can help.
GMB activists campaign and fight for better rights, pay and conditions for all women at work.
Women still get paid less than male counterparts for work of equal value. Women are still discriminated against if we have children or other caring responsibilities. We are are still more affected by public sector cuts.
Women find ourselves working harder to combat discrimination, pay inequality and to be recognised for their talents.
Thousands of council workers could be owed hundreds of thousands of pounds.
It was wrong of the company to get rid of me because of my age and I’m glad I got justice.
This was a real chance to help enable disabled workers to thrive.
Industry must end disgraceful environment women are subjected to on the shop floor.
Securitas becomes first security employer to sign up to ‘life-changing’ reasonable adjustments…
Lambeth Council joins fight against domestic abuse protecting more than 2,000 of staff.
Doing the right thing shouldn’t leave you so skint you can’t feed your family.
Paper ‘completely irresponsible and immoral’.